Saturday, May 19, 2012

Book Review -Taipei Times

When I read this book review I thought it was the one that best explains what happened before and after The Great Escape. What struck me most was when I read the part "Was the sacrifice really worth it, Walters asks. His answer is a resounding “No.” " By this he is saying that he didn't believe that all the attempts to escape were truly worth it.

Friday, April 6, 2012


The main escape route for all the prisioners in the camp was mainly through tunnels.  People would dig for hours in hopes of freedom.
While I was in Israel this past spring break we crawled through many tunnels people had carved out many many years ago also for escape routes. We got the chance to crawl through them ourselves, and while reading the book this was about the closest I could relate to what the POW's were going through, though I'm sure their opperation of making them and trying to stay unnoticed while doing so was much much more difficult.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Here is a short trailer of the movie which was produced in 1963 following the making of the book. I would really enjoy seeing the entire movie, but for now I thought this was a fairly decent way to show what it was like for them while living in the camp and organizing escape routes.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Paul Brickhill: Author, organizer and lookout for the escape.

Roger Bushell “Big X”: Main participant in the escape.